B. Ursprünge
C. Diagnostik
D. Psychotherapie Allgemein
NLP Forschung
Scientific conference presentations and theoretical discourse
- Andreas, Steve:
Virginia Satir: the Patterns of Her Magic.
Real People Press,U.S.
- Bandler,
Richard. Grinder, John:
Patterns: Muster der hypnotischen Techniken Milton H. Ericksons.
- Bandler,
Richard. Grinder, John:
Metasprache und Psychotherapie: Die Struktur der Magie I.
- Bandler,
Richard. Grinder, John:
Kommunikation und Veränderung: Die Struktur der Magie II.
- Bandler,
Richard. Grinder, John:
Reframing: Neurolinguistisches Programmieren und die Transformation von Bedeutung.
- Bandler,
Richard. Grinder, John:
Therapie in Trance. NLP und die Struktur hypnotischer Kommunikation (Konzepte
der Humanwissenschaften).
Klett-Cotta /J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger.
- Bandler,
Richard. Grinder, John:
Neue Wege der Kurzzeit - Therapie: Neurolinguistische Programme.
- Davis,
Donald. Davis Susan:
Belief change and neurolinguistic
Fam Dynamics Addict Q, 1991
- Gross,
Bausteine der Veränderung. Private, berufliche und unternehmerische Ziele
Edition Innsalz.
- Hall.
Bodenhamer. Bolstad. Hamblett (Hg.):
The Structure of Personality. Modeling "Personality"
using NLP and Neuro-Semantics.
Crown House Publishing.
- Hayley,
Die Psychotherapie Milton H. Erickson.
Klett-Cotta /J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachflg.
- Hayley,
Uncommun Therapy. The Psychiatric Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D.
W W Norton & Co.
- Hayley,
Typisch Erickson: Muster seiner Arbeit.
- Hayley,
Ordeal Therapie. Ungewöhnliche Wege der Verhaltensänderung, Bd.
- Hücker,
Metaphern - Die Zauberkraft des NLP.
Akazien Verlag.
- Kampenhout,
Die Tränen der Ahnen: Opfer und Täter in der kollektiven Seele.
- Kernberg,
Otto F:
Wir: Psychotherapeuten über sich und ihren "unmöglichen"
- Rock,
David. Page, Linda:
Coaching with the Brain in Mind: Foundations for Practice.
John Wiley & Sons.
- Ruppert,
Verwirrte Seelen: Der verborgene Sinn von Psychosen. Grundzüge einer
systemischen Psychotraumatologie.
- Ruppert,
Trauma, Bindung und Familienstellen. Seelische Verletzungen verstehen und
heilen (Leben Lernen 177).
Klett-Cotta /J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachflg.
- Ruppert,
Seelische Spaltung und innere Heilung: Traumatische Erfahrungen integrieren.
Klett-Cotta /J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachflg.
- Ruppert,
Symbiose und Autonomie. Liebesillusionen, Liebeswahn und Liebe jenseits von
/J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachflg.
- Satir,
Virginia M.:
New Peoplemaking.
Science & Behavior Books.
- Satir,
Virgina M.:
The Satir Model: Family Therapy and Beyond.
Science & Behavior Books.
- Satir,
Virginia M.:
Kommunikation. Selbstwert. Kongruenz: Konzepte und Perspektiven familientherapeutischer
- Schütz.
Sommer. Jelem. Gross. Brandstetter-Halberstadt:
Theorie und Praxis der Neuro-Linguistischen Psychotherapie.
- Short,
Hoffnung und Reslilienz: Therapeutische Strategien von Milton
H. Erickson.
- Weerth, Rupprecht:
NLP & Imagination. Grundannahmen, Methoden, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen.
Junfermann Verlag.
- Weerth, Rupprecht:
NLP & Imagination II. Die Untersuchung zum Buch. Daten & Fakten.
Junfermann Verlag.
- https://www.socialnet.de/lexikon/Neuro-Linguistische-Psychotherapie
B. Ursprünge
- Bandura,
Sozial-kognitive Lerntheorie.
Bateson, Gregory:
Ökologie des Geistes: Anthropologische, psychologische,
biologische und epistemologische Perspektiven.
Suhrkamp Verlag.
- Bateson,
Geist und Natur: Eine notwendige Einheit.
Suhrkamp Verlag.
- Bateson,
Gregory. Bateson, Mary Catherine:
Wo Engel zögern: Unterwegs zu einer Epistemologie des Heiligen.
Suhrkamp Verlag.
- Bateson,
Gregory. / Steier, Frederick. Jorgenson, Jane. (Hg.):
Cybernetics & Human Knowing: Gregory Bateson Essays for an Ecology of
Ideas (Cybernetics & Human Knowing: A Journal of Second-Order Cybernetics
Auto Poiesis and Cyber-Semiotics).
Imprint Academic.
- Chomsky,
Sprache und Geist.
Suhrkamp Verlag.
- Chomsky,
Reflexionen über die Sprache.
Suhrkamp Verlag.
- Korzybski,
Science and Sanity.
Download unter: http://esgs.free.fr/uk/art/sands.htm.
- Korzybsk,
General Semantics Seminar 1937 Olivet College Lectures.
Institute of General Semantics.
- Lutterer,
Gregory Bateson - Eine Einführung in sein Denken.
C. Diagnostik
- Bartuska.
Buchsbaumer. Mehta. Pawlowsky. Wiesnagrotzki (Hg.):
Psychotherapeutisches Diagnostik. Leitlinien für den neuen
- Dilling.
Mombour. Schmidt (Hg.):
Internationale Klassifikation psychischer Störungen. ICD-Kapitel
V (F). Klinisch-diagnostische Leitlinien.
Verlag Hans Huber.
- Paulitsch,
Grundlagen der ICD-10 Diagnostik.
UTB Stuttgart.
D. Psychotherapie allgemein
- Herman, Judith Lewis:
Die Narben der Gewalt. Traumatische Erfahrungen verstehen und
Junfermann Verlag.
- Huber, Michaela:
Multiple Persönlichkeiten: Überlebende extremer Gewalt. Ein Handbuch:
Seelische Zersplitterung nach Gewalt.
- Laubreuter, Heinz (Hg.):
Psychotherapie und Religion.
- Levine, Peter A.:
Trauma-Heilung: Das Erwachen des Tigers. Unsere Fähigkeit, traumatische
Erfahrung zu transformieren.
- Levine, Peter A. / Klein, Maggie:
Verwundete Kinderseelen heilen.
- Orlinsky, David E.:
How Psychotherapists develop. A study of therapeutic work and
professional growth.
Amer Psychological Assn.
- Schubbe, Oliver (Hg.):
Traumatherapie mit EMDR. Ein Handbuch für die Ausbildung.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
- Stone, Hal / Stone, Sidra:
Du bist viele.
Heyne Verlag.
- Van der Kolk, Bessel:
Traumatic Stress: Grundlagen und Behandlungsansätze. Theorie, Praxis,
Forschung zu posttraumatischem Stress und Traumatherapie.
E. NLP Forschung
- Reiner,
Melita; Renner, Walter; Schütz, Peter; Dond, Renata:
Effects of Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy on psychological difficulties
and perceived quality of life.
In: Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, March 2010,
10 (1): 39-49
- Zaharia,
Catalin; Reiner, Melita; Schütz, Peter:
Evidence-based Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy: A Meta-Analysis
In: Psychiatria Danubina 2015, Vol 27, No 4, pp 355-363
- Gray,
Richard M.; Bourke, Frank:
Remediation of intrusive symptoms of PTSD in fewer than five sessions: a 30-person
pre-pilot study of the RTM Protocol
In: Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health, 1(2)
2015, pp 13-20
- Sahebalzamani,
Efficacy of neurolinguistic programming training on mental health in nursing
and midwifery students
In: Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research,
2014 Sept-Oct; 19(5): 503-507
- Ojanen,
M.; Kotokopri, S.; Kumpula, S.; Tankklu, M.; Vadén, T.; Vikevainen-Tervonen,
L.; Kiviaho, M. & Hiltunen, S.:
NLP-Perustaisen Psykoterapian Tuloksellisuus (finnisches
Original), 2004
Solution form therapy - reults of NLP-based psychotheray
- Bigley,
J.; Griffiths, P.D.; Prydderch, A.; Romanoswki, C.A.J.; Miles, L.; Lidiard,
H.; Hoggard, N.:
Neurolinguistic programming used to reduce the need for anaesthesia in claustrophobic
patients undergoing MRI
In: Br J Radiol 2010 Feb; 83(986): 113-117
- Witt,
Klaus :
Neuro-Linguistic-Psychotherapy (NLPt) treatment can modulate the reaction
in pollen allergic humans and their state of health
In: Journal of The European Association for Psychotherapy,
Vol 12, 1, 03/2008, pp 50-68
- Gray,
Richard M.:
The Brooklyn Program: Innovative Approaches to Substance Abuse Treatment
In: Federal Probation Quarterly Vol. 66. no.3. December
- Genser-Medlitsch,
M.; Schütz, Peter:
Does neurolinguistic psychotherapie has effects.
In: Nowiny Psychologiczne, 2004, 1, 23-48.
- Gray,
Richard; Liotte, Richard:
PTSD. Extinction, Reconsolidation, and the Visual-Kinesthetic Dissociation
In: Traumatology,
Vol 18, No 2, 3-16
- Wake, Lisa; Leighton, Margaret:
Pilot study using Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) in post-combat PTSD
In: Mental
Health Review Journal, Vol. 19 Iss 4 pp. 251 - 264
- Przemyslaw Turkowski, Jan Jedrzejczyk, Miroslawa
Huflejt-Lukasik, Joanna Wieliczko:
Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy in treatment of anxiety
In: Psychoterapia 3 (178) 2016, 53-62
- Davis JI, et al:
distance and emotional experience: what you see is what you get.
- Bruce Grimley:
Removal of PTSD Symptoms in a Client Using Neuro-Linguistic
Programming - a case history.
In: Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy, vol. 19, no 3 (75) September 2016
- Joscha Reinhard, et al:
The Effects of Clinical Hypnosis
versus Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) before External Cephalic Version
(ECV): A Prospective Off-Centre Randomised, Double-Blind, Controlled Trial
In: Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2012, Article
ID 626740
- Crawley,
Esther, et al.:
Clinical and cost-effectiveness of the
Lightning Process in addition to specialist medical care for paediatric chronic
fatigue syndrome: randomised controlled trial
- Arroll
B., Henwood S. M., Sundram F. I., Kingsford D. W., Mount V., Humm S. P., Wallace
H. B., Pillai A.:
A brief
treatment for fear of heights. The International Journal of Psychiatry in
Medicine 52(1): 21-33, 2017.
- Hollander,
J., & Malinowski, O.:
The Effectiveness of NLP: Interrupted Time Series Analysis of Single Subject
- Data for One Session of NLP Coaching
In: Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy, 19(4), 41–46.
- Karunaratne,
programming and application in treatment of phobias.
In: Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 16(4), 203–207.
- Kudliskis,
programming and altered states: encouraging preparation for learning in the
classroom for students with special educational needs.
In: British Journal of Special Education, 40(2), 86–95.
- Kudliskis,
V., & Burden, R.:
‘what works’ in psychology to enhancing examination success in
schools: The potential contribution of NLP.
In: Thinking Skills and Creativity, 4(3), 170–177.
- Sahi,
S., & Määttä, K.:
did an antismoking campaign with a neuro linguistic program work out? A case
study of secondary school students’ experiences in one Finnish school.
In: Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 22(3), 214–234.
- Sterman,
C. M.:
programming as psychotherapeutic treatment in working with alcohol and other
drug addicted families.
In: Journal of Chemical Dependency Treatment, 4(1), 73–85.
- Gray,
R.; Teall, B.:
Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories
(RTM) for PTSD - a case series
In: Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy, vol. 19, no 4 (76) December 2016
Gray, R.; Potts, D; Bourke, F.:
The Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories
(RTM) Protocol for PTSD: a Case Study
In: Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy, vol. 20, no 4 (80) December 2017
- Przemyslaw
Turkowski M.A., M.Sc.:
Neuro-Linguistic Perspective of Long-
and Short-Term Psychotherapy of Grief. Theoretical Background, Method and
Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy, vol. 21, no 1 (81) March 2018
- Parker,
P.; Aston, J.; Finch, F.;
Understanding the Lightning Process Approach to CFS/ME;
a Review of the Disease Process and the Approach
Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy, vol. 21, no 2 (82) June 2018
- Heejin,
K; Jeongyee, B.;
Development and Evaluation of Group Counseling Program
using Neurolinguistic Programming for Alcoholics
Korean Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Vol. 27 No. 2, 98-109,
June 2018
- Sheoran,
Effectiveness of NLP in Dealing with Guilt Induced Anxiety,
Depression and Stress: A Case Study
The International Journal of Indian Psychology, Volume 4, Issue 1, No. 76,
October 2016
- Kotera,
Y.; Sheffield, D.; Van Gordon, W.:
The applications of neuro-linguistic programming in organizational
settings: A systematic review of psychological outcomes
Human Resource Development Quarterly. 2018;1–16.
- Juhnke,
G.; Koll, K.; Sunich, M.; Kent, R.:
Using Modified Neurolinguistic Programming Swish Pattern
With Couple Parasuicide and Suicide Survivors
The Family Journal - Counselling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 2008,
- McClendon,
Using a Behavioral Model of Excellence to Improve Organizational
Performance: Benefits and Pitfalls
Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy, vol. 22, no 1 (85) March 2019
- Kotera,
Y.; Sweet, M.:
evaluation of neuro-linguistic programming
British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 24.05.2019
- Turkowski,
P.; Dabrowka, L.:
4 Steps Re:Start” – toward
a model of transformation from being stuck in a loss to acceptance and new
directions in life and work
Coaching Review 1/2018 (10) s. 289–319, ISSN: 2081-7029
- Kotera,
Y.; Sheffield, D.:
NLP for Japanese Workers' Mental Well-Being: Pilot Study
Mental Health Review Journal - June 2019
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The evidence for NLP
International Coaching Psychology Review, Vol. 14 No. 1 Spring 2019
- Kasek,
Rewarding Self-Liberation. The Use of NLPt in Lifestyle
Improvement and Weight-Control
Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy, vol. 22, no 1 (85) March 2019
- Guinard,
Psychothérapie du trouble de stress post-traumatique
par double-dissociation en Programmation-Neuro-Linguistique/Hypnose: Étude
sur 9 patients
Journal International de Victimologie, Année 17, Numéro 36 –
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Aston, De Rijk:
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P., Banbury, S., & Chandler, C.:
of the Rediscovery Process on Alcohol Use, Impulsivity and Flourishing: A
Preliminary Randomised Controlled Study and Preliminary Cohort Study
European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 4, 13, 1-15
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In: Psychotherapy Research, July 2019, 621-639
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International Coaching Psychology Review, 2019, 14 (1), 57-69.
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A personal perspective on neuro-linguistic programming: Reflecting on the
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International Coaching Psychology Review, 2019, 14 (1), 45–56.
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The Eyes Don't Have It: Lie Detection and Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
2012, PLoS ONE 7 (7): e40259. doi: 10.1371 / journal.pone.0040259
- Dogan,
A.; Saritas, S.:
The effects of neuro-linguistic programming
and guided imagery on the pain and comfort after open-heart surgery
In: Journal of Cardiac Surgery, March 2021
- Weinstein-Zohar, Y.:
NLP treatment for women experiencing post-trauma
due to traumatic childbirth (PPPTSD): Evaluation of process and outcomes (mixed
method case study)
Thesis submitted for the degree of "Doctor Of Philosophy", Tel Aviv
- Weinstein-Zohar, Y.:
Implementing the NLP "Visual Swish"
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emotional response and increasing positive feelings". Experimental design
Final research work (Thesis) submitted as part of the requirement for a Ph.D.
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- Anderson, Emma C., et.al.:
repackaged or a novel treatment? The Lightning Process compared with UK specialist
medical care for paediatric Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
In: Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior, Vol 9, Iss 1
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Does the Lightning Process Training Programme Reduce Chronic Fatigue in Adolescent
and Young Adult Cancer Survivors? A Mixed-Methods Pilot Study
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Reducing performance anxiety of a female dancer using
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In: International Journal of Public Health and Clinical Sciences, Vol. 7:No.
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How can emotional intelligence
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In: Knowledge Management Research & Practice
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Treatment of Trauma through Integrational Dissociation
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In: The Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health, 1(2) 2015
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movements in response to different cognitive activities measured by eyetracking:
a prospective study on some of the neurolinguistics programming theories
In: Journal of Eye Movement Research 16(2):2
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Traumatic Memories in Rwanda with the Rewind Technique: Two-Week Follow-Up
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R., Lopes L., Lopes-Herrera S.:
Voice and Communication Training Program Improves Performance
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a Novel and Cohesive Theory of Change. A Single Case History
In: Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy, vol. 24, no 2 (94) June 2021
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C.; Ortibano, M.; Madrigal, D.:
The Effect of Integrated-Neuro-Linguistic Programming
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In: Technium Social Sciences Journal, Vol. 60, 122-155, August, 2024
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The psyche of an allergy sufferer and its unfolding: a
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Allergy as an emotional phenomenon
F. Scientific conference presentations and theoretical
- Biró, Gyula:
Treating Pollen Allergy with NLPt Aproach
presented at the 40th EANLPt Conference - Budapest (Hungary), 07.11.2015
- Tosey, P., & Mathison, J.:
Neuro-linguistic programming and learning theory: a response.
In: Curriculum Journal, 14(3), 371–388.